Monday, June 21, 2010

Sweeney's Snake Repellent Review & Giveaway

edited/updated:  6/25/2010
 My wording below is just a bit off.  You are to re-apply after a heavy rain.  You originally apply the repellent when it is dry outside.

I recently asked my readers if they ever had a snake in their house.  I received only a few comments.  And I am so thankful for that.  That tells me that most of you have not experienced what I did a few weeks back.

As you know I have two wonderful little fur babies that I adore.  One evening I was in the process of letting Latte' back in the house after she had done her business.  Coffee, for once, had not gone outside at that time.  It was already dark and I am guessing about 9:30 pm or so.  I have my babies leashes set-up where they are attached outside and the loose end that attaches to their collar is brought inside under the door.  When they are let out, I open the main door, attach the leash to their collar, open the screen door and they go out.  When they are ready to come in, I do the reverse.  I open the screen door and they come in.  I un-hook their leash, and then shut the main door, the leash remains inside on the floor.  I have been using this system for over 12 years and it has worked great for me.  I don't have to go out in the cold or rain to get their leashes, and it makes it easy to get them outside fast (which you need when you have an older fur baby like Coffee.)

Anyhow, I sort of got off track for a moment.  I was letting Latte' back into the house and as I opened the screen door a  s-n-a-k-e (shivering with the thought.... yikes!) came into my house.  I immediately slammed the main door and the snake got caught underneath.  Latte' was still outside.  Coffee was inside.  And me .....

I jumped! I screamed!  I ran, grabbed the phone and ran out the other door.  I call the other Grandparents hysterically crying that a snake was in my house, thankfully they live just 4 blocks away.  Both boys were over there for the night.  She said they would be right over.  It seemed like hours before they arrived, but in reality it was less than 4 minutes.

They arrive and ask me where the snake was.  I said  "in the house!"  I did not know if it was still under the door or had crawled elsewhere.

The youngest Grandson is now known as the Snakanator!  He had his sword and chopped him up, tossed the snake outside, then cleaned up the floor and his sword.  There was no way I wanted that snake tossed out my back door - dead or alive!  So they tossed him into a bag and into the dumpster.  I am so proud of my snakanator for protecting me.

Shortly after this happened I was contacted and asked if I wanted to do a review on Sweeney's Snake Repellent.  I jumped at the chance.  With having a snake in my home just days prior...  Yes! Yes I wanted to do this particular review.

I am deathly afraid of snakes!!!  I can't stand to see them on TV or in a book!  I won't run over them while in my car (fear that it would cling onto the wheel and crawl inside), and I won't go to the reptile house at the zoo!  I don't even like worms as they are baby snakes to me!

I received a 2 lb. canister of the Sweeney's Snake Repellent and wanted to use it right away, but needed to wait until it quit raining  We were in the midst of the Spring rainy season. The directions say you should apply after a heavy rain.

The Snake Repellent is very easy to use.  You walk around the area you wish to protect and shake the granules to create a 6-10 inch wide barrier.  As mentioned above you should apply after a heavy rain and for best results, apply every 3 to 4 weeks.

I can not yet say if it works for not, as it has only been a couple of weeks.  But I have not seen any sign of any snakes, thankfully!  I am now able to go back outside and into the yard.  That's a huge plus!  I am comfortable once again about being out in the yard (I am not wearing knee high boots, and tip-toeing around constantly looking for a snake)  knowing the I have my Sweeney's Snake Repellent out there to chase the snakes away.  Prior to using the Sweeney's I would not go out into the yard (unless I had boots, pants, and gloves on and carried a shovel), or tend to the weeds my flower beds.  Thank you Sweeney's for giving me the freedom to enjoy myself outside, again.

My Sister was shocked about the snake being in my home and did not realize (as I never mentioned it before) we have had many snakes outside over the years,  Not little ones either, but don't ask me what kind.  I don't want to know and I don't care to know.  Snakes are snakes in my book!

What I like about Sweeney's is that it will not harm your lawns, vegetable gardens or plants.  It is safe to use around children and pets.  It is also biodegradable and easy to use.  And Sweeney's has been around since 1892, that alone has to say something about the quality of their products.

HOW IT WORKS:  Snakes continuously monitor their surroundings by "sensing" chemicals from the air with their tongues.  This is accomplished with a special organ on the roof of their mouths called the Jacobson's organ. {I didn't know that, did you?}  Sweeney's Snake Repellent emits a sweet, pungent aroma that snakes find distasteful, causing them to  leave the area,  Sweeney's will not harm snakes but will repel them from the area.

The 2-lb bottle retails for $12.99 and the 4-lb shaker bag retails for $17.99.  You can purchase the Sweeney's Snake Repellent directly from their website, along with their other products.  You can find a list of retailers on their site that carry the various Sweeney's products.

Sweeney's also has a contest right now called:  "I Hate Moles", where you have the opportunity to win a $500 Lowe's gift card, by submitting your tale of mole woes.


WIN:  4-lb  shaker bag of Sweeney's Snake Repellent

Mandatory entry:  visit Sweeney's website and tell me of another product you would like to try.

**You MUST do the mandatory Entry! All bonus entries will be deleted if it's not done first!**

{Leave separate comments for each bonus entry - or you will not receive the bonus entries}

1. Follow me on twitter {1 entry}

2. Tweet the following {1 entry - can be done once daily}

Have a snake problem, WIN Sweeney's Snake Repellent - RT @prpldy - GIVEAWAY Ends July 5th - #giveaway #win

3. Subscribe to my blog {2 entries}

4. Grab my button (on the left) and leave the URL where it's at {1 entry}

5. Blog about this giveaway and leave me a direct link to the post {3 entries}

6. Add my blog to your blog roll {1 entry}

7. Comment on any non-giveaway post, telling me which one {1 entry for each comment} 

8. Follow via Google Friend Connect {2 entries}


Open to the US only

No PO Boxes

Giveaway ends July 5, 2010 at 12(noon) CST

Winners will be chosen via Random.Org., and contacted by email

Winners will have 48 hours to respond to the email, or another winner will be chosen

I check EVERY entry! Please only leave valid comments for valid entries!

Please leave your e-mail address in your comment so that I have a way to contact you

( ie: prpldy (at) comcast dot net )

There was no monetary compensation received for this review, though I did receive a sample to conduct my review. All opinions are my own. Receiving the sample did not sway my review. I would like to thank Sweeney's for providing the item for review and for this giveaway.


  1. Where we'd need it is around our garage - we get baby snakes in there every fall. Sometimes black rat snakes, sometimes water moccasins.
    I like snakes - no fear outside of just not wanting to get bit by a poisonous one - but one did get into our house last year. I walked out Sunday morning and it was curled upside down in the middle of the hall. Apparently, the cats had beat the snot out of it all night long. That was a little freaky, as its next stop would've been our bedroom.

  2. I am a email subscriber.

  3. I would like to try the small animal repellant. When I was a little girl, I stepped barefoot on a water moccasin. Luckily, it was as scared as I was, and went off in the other direction. Snakes are important, but I just don't want them around me.

  4. I am terrified of snakes just as you are. Thankfully have never had one in the house, because we would have had to move. But we've had many outside. I even have a snake photo album on my Facebook. LOL My family will not tell me about the snake until they have disposed of it. We have three dogs, two huge ones and one small one. The bigger dogs have killed at least a couple of the snakes. They have been various kinds. My daughter always looks them up. I saw the snake repellent but wondered about its effect on other animals. My dog eats everything he sees! The other item I would be interested in is rabbit repellant. There are some stupid rabbits which come in our yard - yes, the yard with three dogs (as I said, stupid rabbit). The dogs like to eat their poop (yes, disgusting) and roll in it. Very irritating (and again, disgusting)

  5. Dog and Cat Repellent

    I have dogs that come in my yard all the time, I would be curious to see if this stuff really works.

    @Buttons and Bows
    mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

  6. I am following you on GFC.

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    mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com


    I posted your giveaway with a link back to your site.
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    @Buttons and Bows
    mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com


    I posted your giveaway with a link back to your site.
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    @Buttons and Bows
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    @Buttons and Bows
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    I posted your giveaway with a link back to your site.
    2 out of 3 entries
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    @Buttons and Bows
    mommiesgotfivechildren at hotmail dot com

  11. would love to try the deer repelant

  12. I need a snake repellant but th product I'like to try is to repel deer away form small trees and garden.

  13. OHMYGOSH I couldn't stop reading your post. Ack! Did you spill your coffee??? KUDOS to you if you didn't! I would have!

    I'm not entering just wanted to leave a comment. You keep the snakes over at your part of town! haha I would have freaked out, too!


  14. I'd like to try the small animal repellent to keep little guys out of our garden!

  15. So I have been doing the tiptoe thing too...about a week and a half ago, went to hang laundry on the line and there was a snake. A huge snake. And we live in the city!!! SO I've not let my 2 year old outside, and I don't go either, I'm a little ashamed, I am drying the lunadry inside until I feel a little more safe.

    We actually could use some of their rat stuff... we had a problem with those last fall, and I have the feeling they will find our attic again.

  16. I don't know that I would need another product unless it was another size of the snake repellent.

  17. I am following you on twitter as BBirdie2

  18. Tweet:

  19. Your button is here:

  20. I would like to try the bait bar for mice and rats. I live in the country and mice and rats are plentiful.

  21. Daily Tweet:

  22. We could use the small animal repellant – cats really like to use our garden as a litter box…
    jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com

  23. I’m following on twitter as JennyBolech!
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